Call us at 1-800-353-0430 or email
Call us at 1-800-353-0430 or email
A unique breed from New Zealand's pristine waters, this salmon is the result of 25 years of sustainable breeding. Celebrated in top restaurants globally, it promises unparalleled taste and texture. Dive into a gourmet journey with every bite.
特别优惠:购买 20 片 Ōra 帝王鲑鱼片,免费获赠雪松木板
Ōra 帝王鲑鱼片带给您完美的烹饪体验。这种鲑鱼是新西兰纯净水域的独特品种,是 25 年可持续养殖的成果。它在全球顶级餐厅备受赞誉,具有无与伦比的味道和口感。每一口都让人沉浸在美食之旅中。 点击此处了解更多信息。
天鹅绒般柔滑的鲑鱼片,富含 Omega-3。