The best Siberian Beluga caviar is from Kolikof


Regular price$165.00

Order Today to Get Jan 3rd Delivery


尽管真正的白鲸鱼子酱自 2005 年起就被禁止,但 Kolikof 白鲸杂交鱼子酱却是通过独特的杂交工艺制成的。这种行之有效的方法可以收获口感醇厚、非常受欢迎的鱼子酱,与过去几年的纯白鲸鱼子酱几乎没有区别(甚至更好)。


这些中等大小的珍珠灰色颗粒完全是从养殖的白鲸(Huso huso)和西伯利亚鲟鱼中提取的。

1 盎司(28 克)装在玻璃罐中。其他所有尺寸的都装在 Kolikof 自己的精美锡罐中。



保质期:冷藏保存四周。开封后,请在开封后 72 小时内使用,或在保质期内使用(以较早时间为准)。

储存:冷藏。储存温度为 32ºF 至 34ºF。收到后立即冷藏。

* 每份订单免费赠送 1 把勺子和 1 把鱼子酱钥匙。28 克罐装鱼子酱无钥匙。

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*The Kolikof Difference refers to the distinctive or exceptional qualities and factors that make this food unique or special, thus influencing Jim's deliberate selection of it for inclusion in Kolikof's assortment.


"A true gourmet experience. The people running this company constantly obsess to find the highest quality unique foods items from worldwide sources."

Andrew T.

"Fabulous products and great customer service!!"

Dave B.

"I’ve been a customer at Kolikof for 4 years and have loved their caviar more than my old favorite famous brands. Their prices are the lowest for the highest quality."

L. Altmann

"Turn around for shipping and delivery is extremely quick, and the products are packaged with care in a way that keeps them cold and fresh despite 100 degree weather."

Eva T.

"Best place to order gifts. Everything arrives fresh and on time!!"

Jodi N.
Los Angeles, CA
Kolikof is served in the most pristine restuarants.

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